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The Importance of a Pre-Shot Routine in Golf

The benefits of having a pre-shot routine and why you should have one

The pre-shot routine is an integral part of a golfer’s game. It helps the golfer focus on the task and prepares for what will happen next. It can help you clear your thoughts and concentrate on the job at hand. Pre-shot routines have successfully been used in many different types of sports or even in other areas of life, such as work.

Preparation is key. The pre-shot routine helps a golfer to stay calm and focused. It also prepares them for what will happen next. Looking around allows them to read the landscape and understand where they should aim the ball and which shot shape they will need.

In the end, it is up to each person how they want their pre-shot routine to go, but it is generally agreed that having one benefits most people.

The importance of planning your next shot

Golfers often find themselves in a position where they are unsure what their next shot should be. They may have difficulty deciding what club to use, where to hit the ball, or how hard to swing. This is when golfers must remember that it is best to plan their next shot before completing the current one.

A solid pre-shot routine will not only help you build out a process to play a more successful shot, but it will allow you to play a better hole and eventually a better round of golf.

What is an example of a pre-shot routine?

A pre-shot routine is a sequence of movements a golfer goes through before hitting the ball. A pre-shot routine can help golfers to focus, which will help with performance and results.

A good pre-shot routine is often made up of three parts:

  • Take in all the information
  • Strategize
  • Commit to a plan

Take in all the information.

When preparing for your golf shot, it is vital to figure out as much information as you can. Understanding things temperature, elevation, weather conditions, lie position, and the slope of the ground that the ball will land on, among other things, will play a part in where your ball ends. Many golfers merely look for a yardage marker and swing in the hole’s general direction.

While you are in your pre-shot phase of any given shot, this is where you will take in all the information about the shot.

A good strategy can lower your scores fast.

Golfers have many different ways of playing the game, and they all have different strategies. A good plan can lower your scores fast, but it may take more time to master. However, if you have a basic understanding of the objective for each shot, you can impact your score quickly in a positive way.

It would be best if you now looked at strategy using the information you have collected about the shot. Address your shot shape first. Does your ball travel straight? Does it hook or slice? Can you control the shot shape? Knowing your current ball flight options will be the first step in developing the strategy. From there, eliminate any obstacles or hazards from where the ball is intended to land. And last, focus on what the next shot will look like from where your ball stops rolling.

If something doesn’t make sense or is a shot that you are not 100% capable of producing seven out of 10 times, restart your strategy process.

Commit to your plan

Now that you have the information and have used that information to create a plan within your skill set, you focus on execution. Once you have completed the first two steps in the process, don’t add additional thought to the swing or outcome. Just commit to the plan and envision the result, take a few deep breaths, then step up to your ball and swing.

Having already completed any heavy thought process needed for the shot, you should be able to address and swing with the outcome in mind. You will be surprised how often the does ends where you planned it to because you were fully committed to a game plan you can complete.

As you repeat this process for every shot, you will become more confident in the overall pre-shot routine, leading to better execution.